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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

How to Build a Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

How to Build a Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan Most people know that eating healthy is helpful when trying to lose weight, but how to put this into practice isn’t always intuitive. While it’s well-known that fruits and vegetables are nutritious on their own, you

What are the symptoms of febrile seizures?

What are the symptoms of febrile seizures? Can seizures be caused by other diseases or conditions? Does this condition affect the child’s development or intelligence? What to do when your child has a seizure? Observe the seizure characteristics Is there a chance of having seizures

Heart-healthy foods

Heart-healthy foods Open a list of heart-healthy foods that contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances, and reduce the occurrence of blood vessel blockage. Unpolished rice, such as brown rice and parboiled rice, has more dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals than regular white rice. Most importantly, you should avoid

How to solve wrinkles, fine lines, dry skin problems

How to solve wrinkles, fine lines, dry skin problems with Filler and Botox Wrinkles, including lines and wrinkles on our faces, can occur and will increase with age. If we do not take care of our skin early on, in addition to wrinkles due to

Treatment of allergies

Treatment of allergies Once the cause of the allergy is known, the patient should receive treatment and follow up on the symptoms continuously, which consists of 4 main steps: 1. Allergen avoidance It is a treatment that addresses the root cause, is direct, and can

5 Anxiety Disorders That Are Common in Working Ages

5 Anxiety Disorders That Are Common in Working Ages Anxiety Disorder It is considered a psychiatric disorder that is increasingly common today. It is different from general anxiety, which is a feeling that can be found in everyday life. According to the Department of Mental

Know and understand “learning disabilities”

Know and understand “learning disabilities” Learning Disabilities are abnormal brain functions. That cause difficulty in learning, whether in reading, writing, or calculating, and not caused by the child’s intelligence, lack of intention, or lack of diligence. The cause of this condition is due to the

Ophthalmologists recommend being aware of “allergic conjunctivitis”

Ophthalmologists recommend being aware of “allergic conjunctivitis“ What is allergic conjunctivitis? Allergic conjunctivitis causes red, watery, itchy or gritty eyes and is a reaction to pollen during hay fever season. Other causes include allergies to house dust mite and cosmetic products. The irritating symptoms of the condition can usually ease with eye