durian face There are always people who get sick because of durian‘s. So how can we enjoy durian safely against various diseases?
Pornfah Ananphaisan, a Chinese physician at the Thai Traditional and Complementary Medicine Center center of medical excellence Faculty of Medicine Chiang Mai University states that there are many varieties in Thailand, such as Monthong, Gibbons, Kan Yao, etc. Each species has slightly different nutritional values.
The USDA Nutrient Database records that 100 grams of flesh contains 174 kcal, 27.09 grams of carbohydrates, and also contains fiber, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals.
Chinese medicine Classify as a sweet, spicy, hot fruit that is beneficial to health , such as
- nourishes the spleen
- Increase Qi (breath)
- kidney care
- Add yang, add warmth to the body.
- There are lines in food that help promote the functioning of the excretory system.
- contains beta-carotene Help nourish eyesight.
- Contains folate that helps form red blood cells
- contains antioxidants Helps reduce deterioration in the body’s cells. (If eaten in the right amount)
Durian is suitable for people with a weak body, low blood or spirit.
Chinese medicine states that Durian is a tropical fruit. Consuming too much causes the body to accumulate too much heat. May have negative effects on the body such as
- Heat in the mouth, sores in the mouth
- sore throat
- constipation
Those whose body is rather hot, yin depleted, should eat durian in moderation, not too much.
Information From UFABET