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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

5 Anxiety Disorders That Are Common in Working Ages

5 Anxiety Disorders That Are Common in Working Ages Anxiety Disorder It is considered a psychiatric disorder that is increasingly common today. It is different from general anxiety, which is a feeling that can be found in everyday life. According to the Department of Mental

Know and understand “learning disabilities”

Know and understand “learning disabilities” Learning Disabilities are abnormal brain functions. That cause difficulty in learning, whether in reading, writing, or calculating, and not caused by the child’s intelligence, lack of intention, or lack of diligence. The cause of this condition is due to the

Ophthalmologists recommend being aware of “allergic conjunctivitis”

Ophthalmologists recommend being aware of “allergic conjunctivitis“ What is allergic conjunctivitis? Allergic conjunctivitis causes red, watery, itchy or gritty eyes and is a reaction to pollen during hay fever season. Other causes include allergies to house dust mite and cosmetic products. The irritating symptoms of the condition can usually ease with eye

Yo yo effect from improper nutrition

Yo yo effect from improper nutrition To lose weight or body fat, the body must enter a negative energy deficit (Calories deficit). There are two ways to create a negative energy deficit: reducing energy from food intake (Energy intake) and increasing exercise to increase energy

Eating alone increases the risk of disease

Eating alone increases the risk of disease Research clearly shows that eating alone is not just about feeling lonely, but also about being at risk of 4 serious diseases. 1. Depression Nowadays, there are more people suffering from depression, especially among teenagers and working adults.

Techniques to stop the yo yo effect

Techniques to stop the yo yo effect Every dieter is afraid of the yo yo effect. The reason why they can’t permanently maintain their weight loss is because they choose the wrong weight loss method and are not serious. Try changing it to the max

7 reasons why you still can’t lose weight

7 reasons why you still can’t lose weight 1. Choose to control your diet alone, but not exercise. Correct weight loss requires both exercise and diet control. Starting with diet control alone may help reduce body weight somewhat, but it will not help with body