5 Anxiety Disorders That Are Common in Working Ages

Anxiety Disorder
It is considered a psychiatric disorder that is increasingly common today. It is different from general anxiety, which is a feeling that can be found in everyday life. According to the Department of Mental Health, more than one hundred thousand Thai people suffer from anxiety disorders. This anxiety disorder is more worry than normal, not just thinking too much that affects daily life.
If we notice excessive anxiety, it may be assumed that we are prone to anxiety disorders. The causes of this disease are mental disorders or imbalances of neurotransmitters in the brain, which may be caused by genetics. It may also be caused by the environment, upbringing, or imitating behavior from parents or close people. Experiencing various events that cause anxiety disorders, which have many types. And these are 5 anxiety disorders that are often found in working age.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
There is more anxiety than usual about everyday life such as work, family, health, school, which the patient can still suppress by himself. However, if the patient still feels the same anxiety for more than 6 months and cannot adjust to cope with various events, it may cause fatigue, restlessness, lack of concentration, irritability, and insomnia or restless sleep. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor to find a treatment plan.
Panic Disorder
Or panic disorder is an unexplained anxiety, panic, fear of not being able to control oneself or fear of dying. Having a slight illness causes anxiety, such as fear of having a serious disease, even though in reality it is not a physical illness but a mental illness. Symptoms of excessive anxiety disorder may occur intermittently, causing sweating, palpitations, rapid heartbeat, hot flashes, chest tightness, and fainting. These symptoms can affect mental health and may lead to other conditions, such as depression, drug addiction, etc.
Social Phobia
Anxiety about being in a situation where you think you will be stared at, do something embarrassing, have to avoid it, feel self-conscious, and often think negatively that others will gossip behind your back, affecting your daily life. It may cause ยูฟ่าเบท symptoms such as red face, sweating, nausea, rapid heartbeat, headache. Interestingly, this disease is often hidden in people who appear normal and healthy. Looking at the outside, the body looks healthy and strong and does not show any signs of being sick. The cause of this symptom may be due to upbringing, lack of social skills, or related to the brain’s system, genetics.
Specific Phobia
Excessive anxiety about certain things, such as fear of blood, fear of claustrophobia, fear of holes, fear of dogs, etc. Even though you feel irrational fear, you cannot stop your fear and try to avoid facing the thing you fear. Patients often have physical reactions if they are in a specific situation, such as palpitations, dizziness, cold hands and feet, which may cause heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, and sweating.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Anxiety caused by repetitive thinking causes behaviors that respond to repeated events, causing feelings of anxiety. Although this symptom is not severe or affects daily life much, it wastes a lot of time on these behaviors. This obsessive-compulsive disorder is often found in working-age people, such as thinking. That you forgot to lock the door and having to go back to check if it is lock or not, thinking that you forgot to turn off the water tap and having to go back and check again, etc.
How to treat anxiety disorders?
All 5 of these illnesses can cause the person to feel uncomfortable, irritated, and stressed many times. If you notice that you have these 5 illnesses, you can see a psychiatrist to talk. About your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical examination to determine whether the symptoms are caused by the body or the mind. If they are cause by the mind, the doctor will talk and use tools to assess mental illness before planning treatment. Treatment for anxiety disorders will depend on the type of illness.