Techniques to stop the yo yo effect

Every dieter is afraid of the yo yo effect. The reason why they can’t permanently maintain their weight loss is because they choose the wrong weight loss method and are not serious. Try changing it to the max and say goodbye to the yo yo effect.
Types of food (Diet)
Choosing food should not only limit the amount and energy. But also select the type and control the proportion of energy-providing nutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat) appropriately.
The energy the body needs to use each day consists of 3 parts:
- Energy use to function in the body’s organs while at rest, or the daily basal metabolic rate (BMR), is approximately 60 – 65 percent of daily energy use.
- Energy used for movement and exertion, or the metabolic rate from daily activities (Physical Activity; PA), accounts for 25-35 percent of daily energy use.
- The energy used in the digestion process, or the daily metabolic rate from digestion (Thermic Effect of Food; TEF), is approximately 5 – 10 percent of daily energy use.
Eating habits (Meals)
Eating snacks, eating at irregular times, and eating at night can affect the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and increase weight.
There are research studies reporting ufabet the relationship between people who get little sleep or enough sleep but not good quality and have a risk of diabetes and obesity. Insufficient hours of sleep, irregular sleep, or poor quality sleep cause the body to store more fat.
Stress affects the body’s metabolic system. Causes the body to require more energy to deal with stress, which is why people who are stressed tend to eat more. And foods that make people who are stressed feel good are often sweet foods. Because they provide the body with quick energy, we may eat too many sweet foods and store them as excess fat.
Yo-yo Effect: A Heartbreaking Problem for Weight Losers
The Yo yo Effect or the wrong cycle people losing weight the definition. Condition of rapid weight gain and loss that often occurs in people. Who unable to permanently maintain their lost weight, causing the lost weight. Return to the same amount or more than before. The main cause of the Yo-yo Effect is the selection of the wrong weight loss method. Such as exercising too hard, losing weight too fast, eating too little, cutting out certain nutrients. Weight loss that is not serious and lacks consistency.