7 reasons why you still can’t lose weight

1. Choose to control your diet alone, but not exercise.
Correct weight loss requires both exercise and diet control. Starting with diet control alone may help reduce body weight somewhat, but it will not help with body proportions to be firm and have beautiful muscles as desired. It also cannot burn enough excess fat in the body.
2. Exercising alone but not controlling food intake
Exercising alone without controlling food intake may also be the origin of the term “strong pig”, which means having stronger muscles but still not getting better weight and body size. In addition, there is a higher risk of obesity because they may think that they can eat as much as they want without having to pay much attention to their physical health if they exercise hard. People with high blood fat and sugar levels but thin bodies are much more at risk than people who are overweight because they may eat without being careful about their health.
3. Use fasting method. Fasting
is the first wrong method of losing weight. Because in addition to having negative effects on the body, causing the digestive system, organs to malfunction, it also puts you at risk of malnutrition and various dangerous diseases. Therefore, you should remember not to use fasting method. Eat normally, but control the amount to be less and limit the types of food you eat. By reducing the consumption of high-energy foods such as flour, animal fat, sugar, and sweets, it will be better.
4. Exercising in the same way.
Exercising in the same way may make the body accustomed to the same activities, so the weight loss is as desired only in the beginning. In addition, it may risk building muscle only in the organs that are used frequently, while other organs do not receive the attention they deserve. Therefore, the burning of energy is not possible in every part of the body to its full potential. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate and rotate exercising in various parts of the body and exercising in a variety of ways, such as going to the gym, running in the park, playing sports, or for those who go to the gym, use a variety of exercise machines in the gym.
5. Think that eating breakfast along with eating on time every meal will help you lose weight.
Eating breakfast is a good thing that is beneficial to the body, but it may not be directly related to weight loss. It is just a belief that eating breakfast will make us not hungry during the day and not accidentally eat more than necessary for lunch or dinner. Controlling the amount and type of food in every meal is a better answer to weight loss.
6. Think that any type of exercise can help you lose weight.
Exercise is a good thing, but not all types of exercise to lose weight can help with this. Cardio exercises such as running, aerobics, cycling, and swimming can help you lose weight more effectively and more directly. Meanwhile, weight training exercises such as weightlifting and playing exercise machines that focus on building muscle in the gym will help build stronger muscles. However, those who want to lose weight must also do weight training because building stronger muscles will help us do cardio exercises more effectively and burn more excess energy that we want to get rid of.
7. Think that you can exercise whenever you want.
Do it whenever you have free time. If we choose to https://ufabet999.app exercise as we please, meaning if we want to do it, we do it. If we don’t want to do it, we don’t. We go running on Monday and Wednesday, then we go running again on the next Wednesday, and then we go running again on Monday. Exercising in a way that stops and doesn’t have a specific time to exercise may not give us the benefits of exercise as much as we should because it lacks continuity and consistency. It’s like the body has to start counting from zero again every time.